9 things that qualified private bodyguards should pay attention to
Time:Sep.09 2024   View:

The most important factor in becoming an excellent personal bodyguard is good health. No one would hire an unhealthy private bodyguard. Private bodyguards with low health levels are twice as likely to die early as those with good health. Therefore, physical fitness is crucial for work as it can alleviate age-related declines in bodyguard skills and job performance. Based on my experience, the improvement of health levels in the bodyguard industry is directly related to the increase in income level. Whether you are a male bodyguard or a female bodyguard, you should pay attention to your own physical function and quality level.

private bodyguards

Bodyguard and Driver

Bodyguard Exercise Program

Regardless of your current health level, as a personal bodyguard, it is necessary to engage in 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (brisk walking or jogging) 5 days a week to maintain cardiovascular health, and strength training (weightlifting or weight exercises) 3 times a week to prevent muscle mass loss and stretching. Work is never easy, and you need to become stronger. In reality, work has never been easy. Before starting any new exercise or nutrition program, you should consult a professional personal trainer. You need to make a commitment to your physical health and improve your mental state to have the right self-image, which is essential for private bodyguards in today's industry. Concentrate on exercising, eat well, and rest well.

Bodyguard food

Bodyguards should have a healthy diet both during business trips and after work; This includes vegetables, fruits, lean beef, poultry, and fresh fish. You should also drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and reduce hunger. Avoid being extremely hungry at work or during your break time. Although it is common to experience food shortages while carrying out bodyguard duties. To avoid hunger at work, carry nuts, bread, fresh dried fruits, and/or high-protein beef with you as a supplement for energy reserves. Avoid processed foods, such as boxed, canned, and packaged foods, as they contain preservatives and other chemicals.

Bodyguard's vitamins and supplements

As a bodyguard, you should use some supplements in your new diet and training plan. Most bodyguards take vitamins, minerals, and dietary supplements to look and feel younger. Here are the supplements I use, the time I use them, and the benefits they bring. The protein intake of bodyguards who engage in moderate-intensity aerobic exercise 5 days a week and strength training 3 times a week is important for muscle reconstruction after muscle breakdown due to exercise. High-quality protein milkshakes will help your body recover and rebuild quickly, while branched-chain amino acid capsules further aid muscle recovery and reduce fatigue during exercise and work. I suggest you take 3 amino capsules before exercising, and then take 3 capsules immediately after exercising for optimal results. Multivitamins are essential for healthy physical and mental functioning, and multivitamin capsules provide a wide range of coverage needs for your body to ensure that all your nutritional needs are met.

Learn to exercise at work

When carrying out tasks, bodyguards can take time to go to the gym every day to do some moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, lasting 30 minutes and 45-60 minutes of strength training (weightlifting or self-weight exercises).

Example of Basic Weight Exercise

Here is a great basic weight exercise plan that you can do at a hotel or gym:

1. Chest exercises, push-ups

2. Back exercise. Pull up

3. Leg exercises, squats

4. Triceps exercise, bench press

5. Bicep exercises, bending lifts

6. Abdominal exercises, sit-ups

All exercises should be repeated 10-15 times, with 3 sets per exercise. After exercising, do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise (brisk walking, jogging, stationary cycling, skipping rope, etc.).

Exercise recovery

The recovery of physical function after each exercise is a very important factor for your task performance and energy level when performing bodyguard tasks. After exercising, your body is ready to absorb nutrients. To achieve optimal recovery from exercise, you should consume a large amount of carbohydrates as well as protein, branched-chain amino acids, and vitamins. A recovery meal after exercise is important as it can be used to alleviate muscle soreness, rebuild muscle tissue, and prevent any inflammation.

Relaxation of the body after exercise

As a private bodyguard, your goal is to ensure that your body is not restricted in any way while performing bodyguard duties. Here are some suggestions for good recovery after exercise.

1. Ten minutes of stretching will help your muscles stretch well and aid in recovery.

2. Ice bath for 10 minutes; This can rejuvenate your body and help muscle tissue recover. If an ice bath is not available, a cold water shower is an acceptable alternative because cold water stimulates muscle tissue, making it stronger.

3. Rolling relaxation of foam shaft; Rolling the foam axis of each muscle will help the recovery process.

Investing in oneself

If you invest your time in a good exercise plan, you will have the excellent physical fitness of a personal bodyguard. As a professional bodyguard, you should lead a healthy and productive lifestyle, and abide by work discipline both physically and mentally, depending on your thinking goals and career pursuits. No matter how old you are in the future, you should be able to maintain your best state and maintain an advantage in this fiercely competitive bodyguard industry.