Are private bodyguards "thugs"?
Time:Sep.09 2024   View:

Are private bodyguards "thugs"? Private bodyguards have been an industry that has existed from ancient times to the present day. With the progress of social civilization, private bodyguards have gradually become legalized. Of course, there have been many relevant legal revisions from ancient private bodyguards to today's private bodyguards. Today, we can tell everyone that private bodyguards are not thugs and are not allowed to do anything illegal or disorderly for their employers.

Article 29 of the "Regulations on the Implementation of Security Service Management by Public Security Organs" issued by the Ministry of Public Security on February 3, 2010, stipulates that security guards providing personal protection can wear casual clothes when on duty. Still, they should wear the national unified security service emblem. Accordingly, "personal bodyguard" has become a special security service in China.

private bodyguards

It is not easy for private bodyguards to reach this point. Since the 1990s, the figure of 'private bodyguards' has been appearing in certain high-income groups such as well-known entertainers and private bosses. However, as a special security service, relevant regulations in China have always held a cautious negative attitude towards providing 'private bodyguard' services. In 1989, 1997, and 2000, the Ministry of Public Security issued regulations prohibiting the provision of private bodyguard services.

However, the demand of society has led people to pay attention to the existence of private bodyguards. After 10 years, in 2010, the spring of private bodyguards finally arrived, and private bodyguards can be said to be a legalized existence.

Nevertheless, many people still have doubts about private bodyguards, thinking that they should do whatever their employer asks them to do. This is a wrong habitual thinking. Private bodyguards nowadays prioritize defense and are not allowed to initiate attacks or carry weapons. When private bodyguards undertake service tasks, they will conduct site surveys in advance, with a focus on prevention and 24-hour protection. In the event of an emergency, private bodyguards will immediately respond, protect the safety of the parties involved, and report to the police as soon as possible. The basic principles of handling are "prevention, restraint, and capture", without harming innocent people.

In addition, not being overly defensive is the primary professional quality requirement for the private bodyguard industry. Private bodyguards have the responsibility of safeguarding the personal safety of others, but they do not enjoy the privilege of using violence against third parties. If a private bodyguard causes personal or property damage to the perpetrator or third party while protecting the protected person, they will still bear corresponding illegal or criminal responsibility by the law, unless it constitutes legitimate defense or emergency avoidance.

private bodyguards

So, bodyguard companies across the country require private bodyguards to start from a preventive perspective in their work, to prevent the occurrence of harmful behavior by third parties, rather than taking the initiative to cause physical harm to third parties.