After an Asian student from an Ivy League school in the United States went missing on campus, the police confirmed that he was dead
Time:Jul.15 2024   View:

On July 11, 2024, a reporter from learned from the Hanover police in New Hampshire, the United States that a 20-year-old Asian student from the Ivy League Maus College in the United States has been confirmed dead after disappearing from the school. The body of the Asian student was found in the Connecticut River in the United States. Was it a deliberate murder? Or did the student commit suicide? The US police are still investigating. A student from the Ivy League school said that a Chinese student also died in the school in May. Some netizens believe that this school may have racial crimes against Asian students because the school has had several consecutive Asian student accidents.

asian student missing

After this case was reported on China's mobile internet news platform, many Chinese parents began to worry about the safety of their children studying in the United States. Some parents in Shenzhen, China, even consulted the bodyguard service business of Shenzhen Huanyu Brothers Bodyguard Company, China, hoping to match their children studying abroad with a private bodyguard to protect their safety. However, most Chinese netizens believe that these low-probability events cannot mean that there are criminal gangs targeting Asians in Ivy League schools in the United States.

asian student missing

Why did this Ivy League school branch have so many deaths of Asian students? This requires the American police involved in the investigation to give an answer. However, the occurrence of these incidents also reveals that Asian students do face certain security risks when studying in the United States. After all, there are many racists in the United States who have anti-Asian sentiments. Sometimes Asians are beaten for no reason when riding buses or subways in the United States. Violent attacks and robberies against Asians, especially Chinese, have been rampant in the United States. Chinese who are doing well in the United States either buy guns or hire private bodyguards for protection. Otherwise, if they have an Asian face, it will be very dangerous if they encounter racial discrimination groups in the United States.