Why do black Americans work as private bodyguards?
Time:Jun.17 2024   View:

Why Black Americans Often Choose Careers as Private Bodyguards: Exploring Motivations and Trends

The United States is a very young country. In the 17th century, due to religious disputes in Europe, some Protestants arrived in the American continent on the "Mayflower" ship and then developed in this new continent.

In the late 18th century, North America established an independent country - the United States of America. The blacks in the United States were mainly brought by human traffickers in the slave trade at that time. Due to the invasion of Europeans, diseases were brought, which was a disaster for the Indians who had no antibodies. In addition, the massacres and the sharp decline in labor force, in order to maintain the landlord manor economy, the hateful slave trade began. In modern times, due to the United States' strong military power, absolute economic strength, leading technology, and generous treatment, it attracted global elites to come here, and the United States has become a place of dreams for people. Therefore, whether it is white, yellow or black, everyone comes here to live together. So the United States is now a diversified country, whether it is from culture, politics, or music.

There are many black people, they are physically strong, and the cost is not high, so it is not an exaggeration to be hired as bodyguards.

black american bodyguards

Judging from the employment of private bodyguards in various countries, the private bodyguard industry in the United States is very developed. Bodyguards are divided into many types, including personal bodyguards, security consultants, risk management consultants, etc. Many bodyguards have military or law enforcement backgrounds, as well as professional training and certification. The development of the bodyguard industry is also regulated by the US government to ensure that bodyguards have the necessary skills and qualifications.

It is precisely because of such a huge demand for private bodyguards that more people are needed to engage in this profession, so black people are a very good choice.

black american bodyguards

No matter in which country, the daily work of private bodyguards, in addition to protecting the safety of their employers, also requires drivers or some administrative affairs. Although the work of bodyguards seems to be just following the employer every day, it actually requires a high degree of concentration and knowing how to deal with danger as soon as possible. Bodyguards are also divided into personal bodyguards and temporary hired bodyguards. If it is a personal bodyguard, the daily work may be to escort the employer to and from get off work normally, and the risk factor is relatively small. If it is a temporary hired bodyguard, then the employer will have certain demands, such as protecting the employer to send an item to the destination.

Due to the particularity of his profession, bodyguards need to have many characteristics, such as quick response, strong stress resistance, etc. This profession can be said to be a youth meal, because when people get older, their physical strength and skills will decline, and their ability to resist stress will also weaken.

So, on the whole, it is a very suitable job for black people in the United States to be private bodyguards.