Shenzhen held a large-scale science and technology exhibition and hired Huanyu business bodyguards to maintain order
Time:Nov.28 2023   View:

Recently, a convention and exhibition center in Shenzhen, Guangdong, and several brands of scientific and technological activities held a scientific and technological achievements exhibition in an activity center in Futian District, Shenzhen. Many domestic and foreign technology companies were invited to participate in the event. The three-day event attracted several people. million. In order to ensure the safety of the exhibition, the event party andShenzhen Huanyu Brothers Bodyguard CompanyA short-term cooperation contract was signed, and several business bodyguards of the company were hired to maintain the order of the event site, prevent the large flow of people from causing chaos at the event site, and prevent people from doing bad things at the technology exhibition.

So, if a safety accident occurs at a large-scale technology exhibition event, what type of safety accident will happen? Stampede accidents, electric circuit fires or booth collapses are common, but there are also such accidents as homicides at event sites. Judging from the various security incidents that have occurred in some exhibitions around the world, these exhibitions seem to be safe, but they are actually not safe. Just like the Cannes Film Festival, the organizers will hire many professional bodyguards or security guards to maintain order at the scene. If there is no business When the security guards are present, the Cannes Film Festival is likely to be violently harassed against stars.

There are not many stars in ordinary exhibitions, and the commotion is not big, but the large flow of people in the exhibition is also a safety hazard. Therefore, these activities will hire business bodyguards from professional bodyguard companies to maintain order and conduct security patrols on the event site. The current water, electricity and some technological equipment of the event are tested to prevent people from eavesdropping or secretly taking pictures at the event site, and to prevent people from disrupting the order of the event site. Business bodyguards play an important role in business activities. Without this group of professional bodyguards, many activity centers may be in chaos.