A hotel in Guangzhou hires business bodyguards from Huanyu Brothers to strengthen summer safety precautions
Time:Nov.28 2023   View:

With the advent of another summer season, a well-known hotel brand in Guangzhou has begun to strengthen hotel security measures in summer, employingGuangzhou Huanyu Brothers Bodyguard CompanyThe temporary business bodyguards in the hotel came to cooperate with the hotel security to upgrade the security system in the hotel, and started a comprehensive inspection from all aspects of water, electricity, gas, elevator use, water heaters, etc., fearing that the safety of water and electricity will be caused when summer comes. Hidden danger.

Although the services provided by the business bodyguards in the bodyguard company are generally star services or Internet celebrities' activities and safety services, this company also undertakes security inspection services for some big hotels, big property companies, and big logistics companies. The security teams of some companies do a good job of security inspections. These services are also very professional for bodyguards, because bodyguards have corresponding experience in the inspection of facilities such as electricity, water, gas, and circuits.

Many professional bodyguard companies will also bring bodyguards to big hotels for security training, allowing bodyguards to judge whether there are eavesdropping and candid devices in the hotel by observing some smart devices. Bodyguards are relatively good at this aspect, and they need to master not only For martial arts skills, one must be able to use modern intelligent survey and detection tools to conduct a safety assessment of the hotel environment where the employer is staying. If abnormalities are found, they must be resolved decisively.

In today's era, crimes involving electronic equipment are frequent, and pinhole cameras have been installed in some big hotels. If hidden dangers are not checked regularly, these potentially harmful devices that may damage the information security of guests may be thunderstormed, and the hotel's security may be affected. reputation, some hotels will be sued by customers to go bankrupt because of this, so many hotels begin to pay attention to the investigation of potential safety hazards in summer, so as to increase the hotel's security defense capabilities.